Monday, November 3, 2008

One small step for man, one giant leap for DueDates

Finally, version 1.1
As I've posted previously, we are now adding shiny new features to our DueDates project! In addition to displaying borrowed books from either the Hawaii State Public Library System or the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library System, our project now supports sorting by either library name or by earliest due date, and also displaying only the books that are due within a certain number of days. We managed to implement everything that our professor wanted for this milestone, but it was a hard battle to get there.

It's as easy as quantum physics!
Implementing the new features was easy enough because our code is was written with modularity in mind so all we had to do was drop in the new classes and modify a few things here and there. However, as I've learned over the years of programming, it's the error checking and testing that really makes people wonder why anyone would choose computer science as their major. In DueDates 1.0, we didn't implement any error checking or error reporting, so this time around I wanted to put all of that in there in droves. At least that was the plan, until I realized that up until now I've only learned the theory behind exception handling but haven't had any practical experience implementing them. After spending several days reading up on proper ways of working with them, I think I've finally grasped the concept of throwing and catching exceptions and I put them into our project. That was the easy part.

Then came the test cases. Oh boy, this is where improper project planning really came back to bite us in the rear. Rather than writing the test cases first and then doing the implementation based on them, we decided to first write the classes and then the test cases to verify them. This doesn't sound like a bad idea in theory, but in practice it's like a visit through hell. First of all, although JUnit supports 'command-line variables' (actually, they're VM environment variables you set at runtime, but let's not be a Java Nazi), I couldn't figure out how to modify our custom Ant buildfile to use them. I could use them when I ran JUnit by itself though in Eclipse. In the end, I had to temporarily hardwire the variables into the code. The next version of DueDates will definitely resolve this issue.

The next problem was testing private methods and getting access to private fields. There are various guides floating around the internet that say if you need to test a private method, you should probably reconsider why it's private in the first place, but sometimes it just doesn't make sense to make it public or when making it package-private doesn't help because your test cases are in a different package. We had a situation like that where our entry point, the main method in the DueDates class, was calling a private method in the same class and the test case was in a different package. In order to get around this problem, I had to use reflection, a way to access private methods and fields by 'unlocking' them.

This is when the third and biggest problem cropped up. While I was writing the test cases for the DueDates class, I soon realized that I was creating a new instance of the DueDates class over and over again because I had no other way to set certain variables or perform certain operations. In turn, this bumped the JUnit run time up to more than 3 minutes! It got to the point where I didn't even want to run the tests anymore because they took so long. This made me realize that I need to break up the DueDates class into more methods to make JUnit testing easier and bring down the run time. If I had written the test cases first, I probably would've realized this early on and wouldn't have to redesign the DueDates class.

When coders collide
Once again I worked with my partner Aric, and because of how complex our code has gotten, there were multiple times where we had collisions when one of us tried to SVN commit our changes. I learned just how important it is to assign tasks that don't overlap with each other since it can take quite some time to work out the collisions. Sometimes it was really obvious whose changes to use, but other times it was a mental struggle to figure out whose code was 'superior'. Either way it is a colossal waste of time. The diff tool that comes with TortoiseSVN is pretty junky too, not only is the interface reminiscent of the MS-DOS days, but sometimes me and Aric edited the same line with the same exact text and it screamed "collision!" (why would you NOT merge two changes that are exactly the same?).

We found even less time to meet up this time around due to the differences in our schedules, but we still communicated online and as much as possible. Every time I made any sort of major change to the system, I shot him an e-mail letting him know what I did. In the future, if we can't meet up very often, it becomes even more important that we split up the project correctly to minimize overlaps.

Hudson, the best friend you've never had
Hudson provides 'continuous integration', which is just a fancy way of saying "it automatically does things you want it to." The 'things' that it does can be very helpful though, such as periodically compiling your code or automatically running QA tools. In our case, we set up Hudson to periodically check for any SVN updates, and if there is one, it will compile the code and run the JUnit tests, Checkstyle, PMD, and FindBugs. If it encounters any errors, it will set the project status to 'fail' and automatically send out an e-mail to all the group members. It's a very nice tool in this regard since it provides an extra 'set of eyes' for our code. The only problem I can foresee, which doesn't apply to us, is if Hudson is set up incorrectly. Since all it does is automatically do what a human would do, the development environment in Hudson must be set up the same way as the developers have it. Our professor gave us strict outlines on how to set up our environment, so we've had no problems compiling and verifying our code with Hudson. Although this version of DueDates was harder to work on than the 1.0 release because of all the extra features and error checking that we added in, Hudson helped alleviate some of the burden by automatically telling us when we screwed up.

Lessons learned through pain and misery
So what lessons have I learned this week, now that I've had even more experience with the DueDates project? Well...

1. WRITE YOUR TEST CASES FIRST. I can't stress this point enough. They are almost in a sense an interface for your classes. By designing a test case, you're also designing how you want your methods and variables to be accessed. That's not to say that the test cases are immutable and that the classes should conform to them absolutely. On the contrary, the test cases should be improved upon and rewritten if there are any problems with them. However, by designing them first, you can save yourself a lot of hassle later on when you realize that you can't access the methods or data members that you need.

2. Delegate out tasks to minimize overlap. Object-oriented programming tries to teach the concept of modularity, that classes should be written so that the individual pieces can be assembled together into the complete system. Likewise, developers should try to 'modularize' their work by having different people assigned to different tasks. This way you maximize everybody's time instead of butting heads trying to figure out whose version of the same source code is the 'superior' one. You don't want to start an impromptu Mortal Code Kombat, trust me.

3. Focus on one thing at a time. One thing that I've noticed is that when I come across a bug or something that needs improving but I'm not quite sure how to do it, I'd rather work on something that I do know how to do and save the other issue for later. That's what I did for the 1.0 version of the project, but for 1.1 I tried to force myself to address the problem instead of putting it off. What I realized is that although it's more frustrating to have to do the research and put in the time to trace down the problems, in the long run it's much, much better for development because you solve the problems that are affecting the system -now- instead of writing new code that can potentially introduce even more problems. As a good friend of mine once told me, "You gotta do what you gotta do." So do what you gotta do now or else you'll end up with more do's on your hand than you know what to do with and we all know what that leads to: a big pile of do-do.

Look forward to more posts as we round the corner to DueDates 1.2!

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