Monday, November 17, 2008

DueDates 1.2, with more features anew

Scotty, I need more features!
Continuing our DueDates project, we've brought the version number up to 1.2 with some new nifty features. In addition to querying the library websites and printing a list of borrowed books to the console, the program can now send e-mail too. It also supports a wakeup function that keeps the program running in the background and wakes up every so often to check for borrowed books. If there are any books due, it sends out an e-mail.

Agree to disagree
Implementing these new features was quite simple so my lab partner and I did not need to meet face-to-face this week to get them done. However, another problem did arise. We both had an idea of how we wanted to structure the program, but unfortunately our two ideas were complete opposite of each other and could not be reasonably combined. Aric wanted to have a DueDates class that processed the user input and formatted the output, and each UI class, for example a GUI or the console, would simply take the user input and pass it to DueDates, and DueDates will give the UI an output to print. So the flow goes something like this:
DueDates entry point creates Console class -> Console reads user input and passes to DueDates-> DueDates processes user input, gets output, and calls print method in Console -> Console class prints output based on information it receives from DueDates
I really don't like this way because it means that adding any methods in the UI classes meant adding additional code into DueDates to call those methods, and you can't just create an instance of the UI classes and expect it to work how you'd expect it to because it expects the calling class to be DueDates. In other words, the UI classes -only- work as user interfaces and expects another class, in this case DueDates, to handle all the processing. This seems like a very circular relationship to me, where DueDates expects to receive information from a UI class and the UI class requires DueDates to handle processing.

What I want to do is have the DueDates class be nothing more than an entry point into the application. The UI classes themselves will use another class, for example LenderHolder, with all the necessary methods to create, login, and query the libraries. The flow goes something like this:
DueDates entry point creates instance of Console -> Console reads user input and calls methods in LenderHolder -> LenderHolder creates, logs in, and queries the libraries -> Console gets the borrowed books from LenderHolder and prints out the data
I believe this is a much more elegant solution because each class can be instantiated and used on its own. DueDates is the entry point and is used if the person is simply trying to use the program. The Console class can be used by outside developers if they want to use the console to read in user input and do what the DueDates project does, and if they want to develop their own UI, they can use the LenderHolder class. In this case, there is no circular relationship and each class serves a useful function that would be usable by another developer working on another project.

We've yet to work out this disagreement, but I hope to resolve things before the next version is out. As for the overall software development process, I only ran into one other problem: my internet connection was really slow one day so whenever the Eclipse Hackystat sensor plugin tried to send DevTime data to the Hackystat server, it would take a really long time and freeze up Eclipse in the meantime. This was frustrating to say the least and made me quit developing that day because every 5 minutes, Eclipse would freeze for 1 minute while waiting for the sensor plugin to upload the data.

Look forward to more updates in the future!

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